Your Audio can be a Resounding success

Make your Brand

We are Resounding. We create sounds and music that tell stories and communicate emotions. We help businesses and brands develop and express their own unique audio identity.

We take the message you want your customers to hear, pass it through our expertise, and infuse it into everything we create for you: from the tiniest audio logo to an epic anthem.

Simple & Powerful

Demystifying Audio Branding

If you already know you need audio for your business, brand, or product, and are investigating what to do next, then you are in the right place. In fact, you are in the same position as the majority of clients who find their way to us.

To help shed light on the information-shy world of audio branding, we produced our ever-growing Audio Manual and filled it with information to help guide you through the process of understanding and developing an audio identity or the sounds of a product UX. It also describes a little about how we work and why we love doing what we do. We recommend everyone embarking on the process of audio branding start by reading this overview.

about Us

Here's What You Should Know

We Believe in Quality
We refuse to join the ‘good enough revolution’. We believe that quality helps you stand out from the crowd.
We Are Inspired
We believe that creatively inspired audio has the power to bypass the thinking mind and speak to the listener's emotions. We do a lot of research, so our audio will tell your story, but we don't produce sound or music to a formula.
We Are Expensive
We are not the most expensive, but we are not the cheapest. We are a little pricey, but worth it. A small price to pay for over thirty years of visual and audio branding experience.
Our Values

Quality, Creativity, and Clarity

As the world increasingly accepts homogenous, formula-driven 'creativity' in almost everything, we continue to stand firm. We move with the times, but we never allow our creativity to be restricted by formulas. We also know that our clients want to understand what audio branding is and even how it is done, so we are very open about the whole process: you can ask us anything. If, at any stage on the journey, you, or your boss, have questions or concerns, we will be happy to answer them for you. For many who begin the task of developing an audio identity, we are as much a guide as we are a branding service.

Be Different

If you value quality and creativity as a way to stand out from the crowd, then we have something very important in common. And, if you need to understand what we do, in language that makes sense, then you are in the right place. Have a look around our site, read (and listen) to the Audio Manual, and maybe drop us a line.